
Evaluations of higher education accesss, school outreach, and student participation and success initiatives, using experimental designs and process-focused methods

Trends and patterns

Research on experiences and outcomes in schools, further education, and higher education, often using secondary data analysis and longitudinal surveys

Institutional research

Work carried out in collaboration withh specific institutions and building evidence for local policies to improve student access, experience and outcomes


Evaluations of higher education accesss, school outreach, and student participation and success initiatives, using experimental designs and process-focused methods

Evaluation of the Network for East Anglian Collaborative Outreach

A multi-modal impact and process evaluation using experimental, quasi-experimental, and qualitative designs to understand the effects of this UniConnect outreach programme on student knowledge of, expectations for, and access to higher education.

Project ongoing

Evaluation of ‘The Scholar Programme’ by The Brilliant Club

A randomized control trial to understand the impact of ‘The Scholar Programme’ on pupils’ critical thinking and self-efficacy in the higher education access domain. 

Project complete

Evaluation of the ‘Accelerated Reader’ reading programme

A large-scale randomized control trial run in partnership with RAND Europe and supported by the Education Endowment Foundation to understand the impact, and process of potential change, of the programme on pupils’ reading outcomes. 

Project complete

Evaluation of ‘Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants’

A large-scale randomized control trial run in partnership with RAND Europe and supported by the Education Endowment Foundation to understand the impact, and process of potential change, of this TA-focused programme on pupil outcomes.

Project complete

Institutional research

Research carried out in collaboration withh specific institutions, building evidence for local policies to improve student access, experience and outcomes

Evaluation of the Cambridge Bursary Scheme – Phase 2

A mixed-methods exploration of the experiences and impact of the University of Cambridge’s flagship financial support mechanism, including in its redeveloped format starting 2021

Project ongoing

Evaluation of the Cambridge Bursary Scheme – Phase 1

A mixed-methods exploration of the experiences and impact of the University of Cambridge’s flagship financial support mechanism for undergraduate student outcomes 

Project complete

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